Sensor Interfaces:

  1. Anlog Input
  2. Pulse Width
  3. Serial :LIART, SPI,I2C

Read the datasheet

Supply Votage/supply current

Midterm project with Henry:


Making Interactive Art

I found the different communication methods between conventional artwork and interactive art is quit thought-provoking. The interactive art’s communication method departs from a central authority to deliver topdown information/expression to a more horizontal communication and information flow, which actually intend to inspire the participants’ interpretations on the project and leave the space for the audiences to complete the art practice. This striking transition inevitably make me reflect about how our nowadays communication style has influenced by the internet’s rise during the past half century. web1 to 3, free speech on social media, we-media, or the eager to develop technology to enhance the decentralized concepts-blockchain, cryptocurrency, nft, etc.

Or ideologically, would it be a more democratic way of artistic expression? I think those topics are worth considering.